Siebel Healthcare Guide > Business Services for Siebel Financial Services > Customer Authentication Manager >

Defining Customer Authentication Rules

Customer authentication rules define the logic to select an authentication template. When the authentication manager is invoked, the business service steps through each rule for all applicable rule-sets to find a rule that evaluates to true. The template defined against this rule is used for authentication. If no rules are defined, or if none of the rules succeed, the default template, if defined, is used for authentication.

To create a customer authentication rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > Authentication Administration view.
  2. In the Rule Sets list, create a new record, and complete the fields.

    Some of the fields are described in the following table.



    Name for the authentication rule set.


    Description for the rule set.

    Business Object

    Business Object context for evaluating the rules.

    Business Component

    Business Component context for the conditional expression and rules evaluation.

    Conditional Expression

    A valid Siebel query language expression. If this conditional expression evaluates to True, then the rules under the rule-set are evaluated.

    TIP:   Use the expression builder to test the validity of conditional expressions.

    Active Flag

    Flag to activate or inactivate a rule-set.

    The field predefaults to Inactive.

    NOTE:  If the conditional expression is not used, there should be only one rule-set per business object/business component defined. If there are multiple rule-sets for the same BO/BC, and a conditional expression is not defined, then the sequence of examination is random.

  3. In the Rules applet, create a new record, and complete the fields.

    Some of the fields are described in the following table.



    Sequence number for rule evaluation.

    Business Component

    Business component reference for the expression evaluation.

    This field predefaults to the BC on the rule-set definition, and is a read-only field.

    Inclusion Expression

    Siebel query language expression that specifies the rule.

    If this conditional expression evaluates to True, then the template associated with the rule is selected; further evaluation of the rules is aborted.

    TIP:   Use the expression builder to test the validity of Inclusion expressions.

    Template Name

    The authentication template to use if the rule succeeds.

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