Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Understanding Siebel Partitioning > About Methods Used for Partitioning >

Partitioning Based on Business Data

In this partitioning method, a table is partitioned based on existing columns in the Siebel Schema. For example, S_OPTY is partitioned by columns in the U1 index. In this case, no special action is needed except to define the key ranges and number of partitions.

If multiple organizations are defined in your Siebel application, partitioning on the BU_ID column might be more efficient than using the Siebel-supplied partitioning index. In these cases, clustering on the BU_ID column, then other relevant columns, ensures related records are contiguous within a partition for a given business unit, which optimizes query performance.

If your data analysis reveals that the number of records associated with business units is skewed, so that some business units have few records, it might be appropriate to allocate groups of business units to one partition; in these cases, choose your clustering key column with care.

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