Configuration Guide for Siebel Offline Client for Life Sciences > Overview of the Offline Client for Life Sciences >

Data Upload Modes

The Offline Client for Life Sciences records each commit operation made in the user interface to a dedicated SyncHash table in the local database. When the Sync application starts a synchronization operation, it attempts to upload all the modifications that are registered in the SyncHash table to the server. It distinguishes between the two following cases:

  • Objects with server proprietorship. These are objects that do not have a single owner, but are shared between users, for example, account objects. For these objects, the Offline Client for Life Sciences performs a query on the server to verify that the data is not modified on the Siebel CRM Server after being downloaded:
    • If the data has been modified on the server, a conflict notice is logged, and the corresponding entry in the SyncHash table container is saved to the log file. During the next synchronization cycle, the Sync application tries again to upload that record to the server. Conflicts must be resolved manually. It is recommended that you decide which data is considered to be valid.
    • If the data on the server has not been modified, the data modified in the Offline Client for Life Sciences is uploaded to the server and applied to the server database.
  • Objects with client proprietorship. These are objects that are owned by a single user, for example, an activity. The modified data is not checked for records with conflicting changes. The modified data on the Offline Client for Life Sciences is uploaded to the Siebel CRM Server. The modified data overwrites any conflicting changes on the server.


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