Configuration Guide for Siebel Offline Client for Life Sciences > Configuring Top-Level Objects > Roadmap for Creating a New Filter Definition File for a Top-Level Object >

Adding the Filter Definition File to a Data Source

This task is a step in Roadmap for Creating a New Filter Definition File for a Top-Level Object. After creating the filter definition file using the filter functionality in Oracle JDeveloper, you must add the filter definition file to a data source.

To add the filter definition file to a data source

  1. Verify that mededfilter.xml is in the appropriate directory as shown, for example, in the following table.
    mededfilter.xml File Location

    Siebel CRM


    You already created mededfilter.xml in Creating a Filter Definition File Using the Filter Functionality.

  2. In the same directory, open in Oracle JDeveloper and add the follow lines of code. As an example, you can search on PROMO to locate the appropriate locations for adding these lines.
    1. Add this line:

    private static const APPCFG_MEDED_FILTER:String = "MEDED_FILTER_OP";

    1. Add the following two lines:

    private static const APPCFG_MEDED_FILTER:String = "MEDED_FILTER_OP";

    [Embed(source="/config/mededfilter.xml", mimeType="application/octet-stream")] private var MEDED_FILTER:Class;

    1. Then add the following:


       bytes = new MEDED_FILTER() as ByteArray;

       xmlData = RemoveInactiveElements(bytes);

       bytes = null;

       return xmlData;

    1. Save the file.
  3. In the same directory, open the datasources.xml file and do the following:
    1. Find the data source of interest, for example Sales (OfflineClient1), and add the following line under the identified data source:

    <SYS_EntitySyncRt id="PharmaMedEdEvent" filterLabel="MEDED_FILTER_OP" wsdlName=" MedEdEvent.wsdl" lifetime="72" syncType="i" fileName="mededfilter.xml">40</SYS_EntitySyncRt>

    The filterlabel, which is used in the sync application, must exactly match the name given in the, for example, as follows:

    private static const APPCFG_MEDED_FILTER:String = "MEDED_FILTER_OP";.

    The id comes from the WSDL entity type.

    1. Save the datasource.xml file.
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