Siebel Mobile Connector Guide > Installing the Siebel Mobile Connector > Configuring the Siebel Mobile Connector >

Configuring the smcalert.cfg File

The smcalert.cfg file should be configured before using the Alert Business Service. This file specifies the transport mechanism to be used by the Alert Business Service. If a transport mechanism is specified here, it is used by default for all alerts created by the Siebel Mobile Connector. However, it is possible to specify a transport mechanism in the workflow for an alert by overriding the settings in the smcalert.cfg file. For instructions, see the Configuring Alerts.

The transport mechanisms allow the transportation of messages between another system the Siebel Business Application Integration (eAI) environment. Alert Business Service supports all the transport mechanisms available within eAI, including MQSeries, MSMQ, HTTP, Java Data Beans, SAP IDOC, SAP BAPI and others.

An example of a file configuration is as follows:

[EAI MSMQ Transport]



[SMC Alert]

WorkflowDelete = SMCAlert-Delete.xml

WorkflowInsert = SMCAlert-Insert.xml

WorkflowOlfValue = SMCAlert-OldFieldValue.xml

WorkflowNewValue = SMCAlert-NewFieldValue.xml

To set the default transport mechanisms

  1. Go to drive:\install_dir\siebsrvr\BIN\ENU.


    drive = the drive where Siebel Server is installed.

    install_dir = the directory where you installed Siebel Server.

  2. Open the smcalert.cfg file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Add a parameter to the file for each transport mechanism you want to use for the Alert Business Service.

    For each added transport mechanism, it is also necessary to add the required parameters used for configuring it.

    The MSMQ transport mechanism is displayed by default.

    You can configure MSMQ for use with the Alert Business Service by entering the name of the MSMQ Queue for MsmqPhysicalQueueName, and entering the machine that owns the queue specified by the physical queue name for MsmqQueueMachineName. You can also set any optional parameters that you want to configure.

  4. Save the file.

    If you are finished with configuration, then restart the Siebel Server.

NOTE:  You can also use the Reference Configuration Sample to configure the smcalert.cfg file. For more information, see SMC Alert Welcome Screen.

For information on supported transport mechanisms and the parameters for each, see the eAI documentation on the Siebel Bookshelf, especially Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

Siebel Mobile Connector Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.