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Task Branch Criteria

Siebel Object Types > Task > Task Branch > Task Branch Criteria

The Task Branch Criteria object type specifies a list of conditions. At runtime, the task controller evaluates the conditions and when the outcome is true, the task takes the path defined by the branch.

Valid Values/Examples

Applet Field Name

The name of the field within the named applet. This is a required field when the Compare To value is set to Applet.

The drop-down list displays the fields defined for the selected applet.

Applet Name

Name of the applet to compare. This is a required field when the Compare To value is set to Applet.

The drop-down list displays the available applets.

Business Component

The name of the business component within the business object of the task. This is a required field when the Compare to value is set to Business Component.

The drop-down list displays the business components defined for the business object selected for the task.

Business Component Field

The name of a field within the business component. This is a required field when the Compare To value is set to Business Component.

The drop-down list displays the fields defined for the selected business component.

Compare To (R)

Indicates where the comparison value is coming from.

Applet, Business Component, Expression, and Task Property.

Name (S)

Name of the object.


Operation (R)

Identifies the comparison operation.

For a description of the available comparison operations, see the section on building expressions in the Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

Parent Name (S)

The name of the parent branch.


Property Name (R)

Identifies the specific task property on which to base the condition.

The drop-down list displays the task properties of the task.

See Also

Task Branch
Task Branch Criteria Value
Task Property
Task Step

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