Siebel Order Management Guide > Product Data Service and Import/Export API Reference > Product Data Services API Methods >

GetSearchParameters Method

Gets the list of attributes available for the class(es) based on the input search specification in the SiebelMessage. External

This method only retrieves product attributes that are flagged as searchable. If the example is followed, data is generated only if the attributes for the product are flagged as searchable in the Siebel database.


ErrCode GetSearchParameters(const CCFPropertySet& inputArgs, CCFPropertySet& outputArgs);


const CCFPropertySet& inputArgs


String: FieldNameClassId

String: LookupFromCache (To be Obsolete)

String: MaximumAttributes

Hierarchy: SiebelMessage (Integration object "PDS Searchable Product Class Interface")

CCFPropertySet& outputArgs


Hierarchy: SiebelMessage (Integration object "PDS Product Class Attributes Interface")

Example of Input Arguments

CCFPropertySet@0012CCC4 p#3 c#1 type="" vt=0 value=""


p["LookupFromCache"] = "";

p["MaximumAttributes"] = "";

p["FieldNameClassId"] = "";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0AAEBFC8 p#4 c#1 type="SiebelMessage" vt=0 value=""


p["MessageId"] = "";

p["MessageType"] = "Integration Object";

p["IntObjectName"] = "PDS Searchable Product Class Interface";

p["IntObjectFormat"] = "Siebel Hierarchical";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0AAD45B0 p#0 c#1 type="ListOfPDS Searchable Product Class Interface" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@02C42F08 p#1 c#0 type="ISS PS Direct Subclass" vt=0 value=""


p["Class Id"] = "99-27K1T";





Example of Output Arguments

CCFPropertySet@0012CCB8 p#0 c#1 type="" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0B918DE8 p#5 c#1 type="SiebelMessageOut" vt=0 value=""


p["MessageId"] = "42-1NJB";

p["ID_ALL"] = "All";

p["IntObjectName"] = "PDS Product Class Attributes Interface";

p["MessageType"] = "Integration Object";

p["IntObjectFormat"] = "Siebel Hierarchical";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@055458C0 p#0 c#1 type="ListOfPDS Product Class Attributes Interface" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0B94F868 p#3 c#1 type="ISS PS Direct Subclass" vt=0 value=""


p["Class Id"] = "99-27K1T";

p["Display Name"] = "OM_Operating System";

p["Name"] = "OM_Operating System";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0A0B55E0 p#0 c#9 type="ListOfISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0542CC18 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Edition";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Edition";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0A6D7BB0 p#0 c#4 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0543F558 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "Professional";


c[1] CCFPropertySet@0538FA40 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "Home";


c[2] CCFPropertySet@0A7F7FA8 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "Enterprise";


c[3] CCFPropertySet@0A8A2B08 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ALL";




c[1] CCFPropertySet@0A9324D8 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Language";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Language";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@02C43A00 p#0 c#6 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0A9F3D30 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ESN";


c[1] CCFPropertySet@053D6FD8 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ENU";


c[2] CCFPropertySet@0A893AE0 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "FRA";


c[3] CCFPropertySet@0BCF40E8 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "DEU";


c[4] CCFPropertySet@0536BA78 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ALL";


c[5] CCFPropertySet@02B9F1B8 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "JPN";




c[2] CCFPropertySet@0A982878 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Service Pack";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Service Pack";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0AB4E3E0 p#0 c#4 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0AC70068 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "3";


c[1] CCFPropertySet@093FB308 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "2";


c[2] CCFPropertySet@0AB032E8 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "1";


c[3] CCFPropertySet@09642C40 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ALL";




c[3] CCFPropertySet@09617088 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Version";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Version";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@09403568 p#0 c#4 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@096264A0 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "Upgrade";


c[1] CCFPropertySet@093FC308 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "OEM";


c[2] CCFPropertySet@09611680 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "Full";


c[3] CCFPropertySet@09641B40 p#1 c#0 type="Attribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


p["Value"] = "ALL";




c[4] CCFPropertySet@0964C768 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Build";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Build";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0AAB1C50 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[5] CCFPropertySet@09616D00 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Default Browser";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Default Browser";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@09400380 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[6] CCFPropertySet@09614D30 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Publish";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Publish";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0940C548 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[7] CCFPropertySet@094060B0 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Brand";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Brand";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BC91558 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""


c[8] CCFPropertySet@09642538 p#2 c#1 type="ISS Class Attribute" vt=0 value=""


p["Display Name"] = "Extended Warranty";

p["Attribute Id"] = "OM_Extended Warranty";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@09611A00 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfAttribute LOV Value" vt=0 value=""







Error Conditions
Error Message

The 'Data Sync Service: GetSearchParameters' user property is not defined in business service 'PDS Product Data Service

The specified user property can not be found on the business service, which must have value "PDS Product Attributes" by default.

Unable to create the Business Service 'PDS Product Attributes

Can not initiate the business service.

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