Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Employee Asset-Based Ordering for Industry Applications >

Comparing Prices with Competitor Prices

Price comparison allows a user to compare the prices of products offered by the company with the prices of similar products offered by competitors.

This feature can be used to compare competing rate plans for utilities. The products are considered similar based on factors such as location, payment method and meter type.

The application compares prices as follows:

  • The application asks the user questions about the region in which they are located, current supplier, current rate plan, details of their usage (number of units or dollar amount) and period during which the usage occurred (such as summer month, winter quarter).
  • The application uses this information to determine the average number of units the customer uses in a year.
  • The application calculates an annual total cost for the same number of units for each of the company's products that matches the specified criteria.
  • The application displays a list of quotes for the company's products, which specify how much the customer can save by switching to each of the products.
  • The user selects a quote and clicks Enroll to create an order and an account for the user.

For more information about setting up and using price comparisons, see the section about price comparison in Siebel Energy Guide.

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.