Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > CHAMP Planning >

About CHAMP Planning

The Siebel PRM planning module incorporates the business planning component of the industry-standard Channel and Alliance Management Process (CHAMP) methodology. CHAMP is an established and replicable process that lets brand owners and their business partners work collaboratively to develop and execute effective partnerships.

There are two phases to the CHAMP methodology:

  • CHAMP Partner Planning. Partner planning is a facilitated session designed for an internal audience of channel or alliance managers at the brand owner company. The Siebel professional helps the channel managers analyze the partner's business and their own business to find the best opportunities for the two companies to work together. This phase produces a business plan for the partner relationship.
  • CHAMP Joint Planning. Joint planning is a facilitated session designed for the brand owner and partner. Using the plan that resulted from the CHAMP Partner Planning session as a foundation, the two organizations meet face-to-face to define their partnership strategy and business plan.

The Siebel PRM CHAMP Planning module lets the user create, capture, and track partnership initiatives and partner plans. Partner plans include clearly defined objectives, action plans that detail how each partner company will achieve its objectives, and metrics for measuring the success of each partner in achieving its objectives.

You may have other ways of working with your partners. CHAMP planning is not required, but it does have a track record of improving the execution, effectiveness, and overall success of partner relationships.

The CHAMP Planning module is included in the Siebel PRM product. Customers purchase the CHAMP methodology separately.

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