Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Working with Partner Programs > Process of Setting Up Partner Programs >

Specifying Partner Program Approval Method

Partner program applications can be approved in three ways, depending on which of the following values is selected in the Approval Method field:

  • Approve All. All applications are approved automatically without review.
  • Approval List. Partners are approved based on an eligibility list. If you use this method, you must set up an eligibility list, as described in Eligibility Administration for Partner Programs.
  • Manual. The brand owner reviews each application individually in the Application Inbox view and approves or rejects each application manually. If you use this method, you must review applications, as described in Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Partner Programs.

To specify partner program approval method

  1. Navigate to the Partner Programs > Program Design view.
  2. In the desired program, drill down on the program name.
  3. In the More Info view, in the Approval Method field, select Approve All, Approval List, or Manual.
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