Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel EIM for Performance > Troubleshooting EIM Performance >

Disabling Docking: Transaction Logging

Typically, a disabled Docking: Transaction Logging setting is only used during initial data loads. The value of the system preference, Docking: Transaction Logging, is set from the System Preferences view within the Siebel application. This setting indicates whether or not the Siebel application logs transactions for the purpose of routing data to Siebel Mobile Web Clients.

The default for this parameter is TRUE. If there are no Siebel Mobile Web Clients, you can set this system preference to FALSE. If you have Siebel Mobile Web Clients, then this parameter must be set to TRUE in order to route transactions to the Siebel Mobile Web Clients. However, during initial data loads, you can set this parameter to FALSE to reduce transaction activity to the Siebel docking tables. After the initial loads are complete, set the parameter back to TRUE.

NOTE:  For incremental data loads, Docking: Transaction Logging should remain set to TRUE if there are mobile clients. If this setting is changed for incremental data loads then you will need to perform a reextract of all of the mobile clients.

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