Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Remote Client > Creating a Remote Client >

Using EIM to Create Multiple Siebel Remote Clients

If you must load a significant amount of data, such as creating a large number of remote clients, then you can use EIM (Enterprise Integration Manager) to do a batch load. If you use EIM to import records to the server database, then Siebel Remote logs transactions in the file system to improve performance. If a remote client possesses read and write access to the records that EIM imports during a particular EIM session, then it is strongly recommended that you use row by row logging. For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

If your deployment includes Replication Manager, then Siebel CRM supports this EIM functionality only on the Siebel Server of the headquarters node. For more information on how to load data in interface tables and then populate base tables, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

Using Transaction Logging with EIM or Assignment Manager

If you use EIM or Assignment Manager, and if the Enable Transaction Logging check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Remote logs changes in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table and then propagates them to the remote clients. If a large volume of data exists, then the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router might require a significant amount of time to process the changes for each remote client. It might take so long that it is faster to reextract the remote client and then apply the extract remotely.

To avoid a rapid expansion of the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table, it is recommended that you turn off transaction logging while you use EIM. After EIM finishes loading data, you must turn on transaction logging and reextract the remote clients. This technique also prevents the risk of overloading the Transaction Processor and the Transaction Router.

In general, larger batches tend to improve performance for EIM but can also cause problems for Siebel Remote. If you use EIM and Siebel Remote, then it is recommended that you limit batch sizes to 1000 or fewer records.

To use transaction logging with EIM or Assignment Manager

  1. Disable transaction logging.

    For more information, see Disabling Transaction Logging

  2. Use EIM to load data or Assignment Manager to assign data.

    Limit batch sizes for EIM to 1000 or fewer records.

  3. Enable transaction logging.

    For more information, see Step 1.

Using Set Based Logging for EIM

EIM logs transactions differently according to the following value of the LOG TRANSACTIONS TO FILE parameter:

  • TRUE. EIM logs transactions in the FileSystem\eim directory with only one marker logged in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table.
  • FALSE. To reduce database contention for the S_DOCK_TXN log, EIM logs transactions in sets. It only records one transaction for each EIM set in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table.

Avoiding a Transaction Processor Failure That Is Due to a File System That Has Moved

The Transaction Processor might fail with an error that is similar to the following:

Unable to open User Txn Log file for reading or writing in FileSystem\eim\*.dx.

The following situation can cause this error:

  1. EIM runs with the LOG TRANSACTIONS TO FILE parameter set to the default TRUE to collect EIM transactions in the FileSystem\eim directory.
  2. The file system is moved from the FileSystem\eim directory to another directory, such as NewFileSystem\eim.
  3. The FileSystem\eim directory is deleted.
  4. The Transaction Processor is started.

The master transaction in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table indicates that the EIM log exists in the FileSystem\eim, directory. The Transaction Processor fails when it cannot open the FileSystem\eim\*.dx file.

To avoid a Transaction Processor failure that is due to a file system that has moved

  1. Before the file system is moved, make sure the Transaction Processor finishes processing all transaction that exist in the FileSystem\eim directory.
  2. If the file system is already moved, then do the following:
    1. Create the FileSystem\eim directory.
    2. Copy all dx files from the NewFileSystem\eim directory to the FileSystem\eim directory.
  3. Start the Transaction Processor.
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