Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > About Siebel Remote > Validation and Authentication >

Field Encryption

Siebel Remote provides the following functionality for field encryption:

  • If you extract a local database for a remote client, then the extraction process detects encrypted fields and stores the unencrypted contents in a compressed binary dat file. To determine the hashed value of each encrypted field, Siebel Remote uses the clear text value of the field. The extraction process does not change the hashed value.
  • If the Transaction Router server component prepares changed data for a user, then it detects encrypted fields and stores the unencrypted contents in the compressed binary dx file. To determine the hashed value of each encrypted field, Siebel Remote uses the clear text value of the field. The preparation of the dx file does not change the hashed value. Some utilities can read data from a dx file. It is recommended that you prevent unnecessary user access to the following directories where dx files might exist:
    • Txnproc directory
    • Inbox directory
    • Outbox directory
  • If Siebel Remote synchronizes the server database with a local database, then data that it encrypts at the field level in the server database is decrypted in the local database. To maintain data security, you can configure Siebel Remote to encrypt the entire local database. For more information, see Creating a New Database for Siebel Remote.
  • If your Siebel implementation includes regional nodes, then it must meet the following requirements:
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