Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Synchronizing the Remote Client > Options for Synchronizing and Starting the Remote Client >

Using Synchronization Manager to Manage the Cache

The multithreaded Synchronization Manager maintains a collection of open database connections, or context cache, that it can parcel out to the active task threads and reuse. By default, each server creates two connections during start-up. Synchronization Manager might create more contexts dynamically, but by default the Siebel Server maintains a maximum of only 10 context caches.

To specify the minimum cache size, you can use the Minimum Number of Cached Thread Contexts parameter (MinCtxCache). To specify the maximum cache size, you can use the Maximum Number of Cached Thread Contexts parameter (MaxCtxCache). A larger cache might be helpful for a configuration where multiple remote clients synchronize. An excessive number of inactive database connections can degrade system performance.

The Synchronization Manager creates the number of cached contexts that the MinCtxCache parameter specifies at start-up. A cached context decreases the time that Siebel Remote requires to start a new synchronization session. If a large number of remote clients synchronize simultaneously, then you can increase the cache size.

The Synchronization Manager can simultaneously service up to the number of synchronization sessions that the MaxTasks parameter specifies. Synchronization Manager only keeps in memory, at most, the number of cached contexts that the MaxCtxCache parameter specifies.

For more information, see Parameters of the Synchronization Manager Server Component.

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