Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Creating a Simple List Report > Alternative Report Creation Strategies >

Copying a Report Object Definition

The procedure for creating a new report object definition (and children) in Siebel Tools, described in Creating Object Definitions for a Custom Report, may prove cumbersome when a new set of object definitions needs to be created that is very similar to an existing one, and the existing one is complex. An alternative is to copy the desired report object definition. This creates a new one with the same property settings, child report field, and subreport object definitions.

To copy an existing report object definition and children

  1. In Siebel Tools, lock the Report project.
  2. Navigate to the Report object definition you want to copy, such as Opportunity Detail in the Reports OBLE.
  3. Lock the Report project (choose Repository, and then the Lock Project menu item).
  4. Choose Edit, and then Copy Record.
  5. Modify the new report object definition and children.

    When you copy a report object definition, a new report object definition with the same set of children and duplicated property settings is created. You must specify the Menu Text and Name properties. You must also change the Template Name and Access Base DB name properties so that the data supply library and executable report have different names from those in the copied object definition.

  6. Choose Tools, and then the Generate Actuate Report menu item to export to a data supply library file.
  7. Unlock the Report project.
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