Siebel Search Administration Guide Addendum for FAST InStream > Administering Search Indices > Indexing Search Objects >

Full Indexing

Full indexing can be executed against all entries in the selected business component or connector (the Index operation), or all entries in the default Search Definition listed in the Search Index Settings applet, adding any new fields from the field mapping file (the Index All operation). Upon successful completion of indexing, the Status Code changes to Indexed, and the Status Details column details the number of rows indexed.

Indexing Search Objects for FAST

This task covers full indexing of Search Objects for integration with the FAST InStream search engine. To troubleshoot FAST indexing, see Siebel Business Applications Third-Party Bookshelf in the product media pack on Oracle E-Delivery.

To index search objects for FAST

  1. Navigate to Administration - Search > Search Index Settings.
  2. Choose one of the following to index one or all search components:
    1. Select the component to be indexed and click Index.
    2. Click Index All to index all components for the Default Search Definition.

      When indexing initiates the Status Code changes to a null value. When indexing completes the Status Code changes to Indexed.

  3. Launch the FAST InStream administration console to monitor indexing from the FAST side:
    1. Select the Matching Engines tab.
    2. Click on the Host link.

      When indexing initiates the Status value changes to Indexing. When indexing completes the Status value changes to Indexed. The number of items indexed is displayed in the Overall Status table.

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