Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Verifying Your Server Environment >

Changing EVT Output Text

EVT supports user-specified strings in output reports. By default, EVT output reports are generated using a message template. However, the user can specify any other string to be used as part of the report.

The following user-defined output tags are supported:

  • USERPASSEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check passes.
  • USERFAILEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check fails.
  • USERNOTEXESTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check is not executed.

The user-defined message can contain some placeholders which are defined by EVT. Such placeholders are specified by using two underscores on each side. During execution of the checks, these placeholders are substituted. When the check runs, the following placeholders are defined:

  • CURRENTVALUE. The current value of the parameter being checked.
  • PASSEDSTRING. The system-defined "check passed" message.
  • FAILEDSTRING. The system-defined failure or error message.
  • NOTEXESTRING. The system-defined "check is not executed" message.
  • CHECKID. The ID number of the currently executing check.


For example, assume a user-defined check like the following:





USERFAILEDSTRING=[__CHECKID__] Version __CURRENTVALUE__ is not supported anymore. Please contact Mr. John Smith ( to get your system upgraded to __PARAMVALUE__.

In this example, when the placeholders are filled by values when the check executes, the error defined above for the USERFAILEDSTRING tag appears in the output report as follows:

[Check241] Version 5100-02 is not supported anymore. Please contact Mr. John Smith ( to get your system upgraded to 5200-02.

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