Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Configuring the RDBMS > Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Applications >

Guidelines for Creating Oracle Table Spaces

This topic is part of Configuring an Oracle Database for Siebel Applications.

Initial (minimum) table space allocation recommendations are as follows:

  • Data—5 GB
  • Index—5 GB
  • Temp—2 GB
  • System—2 GB
  • Sysaux—1 GB

This allocation is enough for a fresh installation of Oracle Database (Unicode-enabled or non-Unicode-enabled).

The following additional guidelines will help you in creating table spaces:

  • To improve performance on your production system, create at least two table spaces for Siebel implementation—one for indexes and one for data.
  • Distribute objects that you anticipate to be large or points of contention by creating additional separate table spaces (preferably on separate disk devices).
  • Be sure that you, or whoever is responsible for setting up permissions, grant the Siebel tableowner account the privilege and sufficient quota to create tables and indexes in these table spaces.

    Besides the tableowner, the database user ID used for Siebel Marketing also requires additional rights at the database level within the OLTP schema. You must grant drop table, drop index, create table, and create index rights to this user. For more details, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.

  • Set storage parameters for your data and index table spaces. The Siebel installation procedure does not set storage parameters for the objects it creates. The storage configuration for each object follows the default storage parameters of its table space. It is recommended to create locally managed tablespaces using the following syntax:

    extent management local autoallocate segment space management auto;

  • In a development or test environment, multiple Siebel Business Applications installations can coexist on one Oracle Database instance. Install each Siebel Database under a separate tableowner, so that each schema owner will be unique. For example, more than one test environment can share one Oracle Database instance.
  • Function-based indexes based on expressions that require QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED = TRUE are not supported. However, DESC (descending) indexes are supported, as in a standard schema.
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