Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Server Components and Parameters > Siebel Enterprise, Server, and Component Parameters >

Siebel Server Parameters

This section describes in detail the Siebel Server parameters listed in Table 29.

Auto Startup Mode. This mode indicates if the Siebel Server components start automatically on Siebel Server startup. This parameter defaults to TRUE, which indicates that the Siebel Server components are fully enabled and the default number of Siebel Server processes start when the Siebel Server System Service starts (or the machine restarts). If Auto Startup Mode is set to FALSE, the Siebel Server components enter a shutdown state after the Siebel Server System Service starts.

Communication Transport. Name of the transport type for network communications (for example, TCPIP).

Component Priority Level Timeout. The amount of time to wait before starting lower-priority components. Components are prioritized as follows:

  • Components in the System Management component group have the highest priority. These components start first.
  • Components in the Auxiliary System Management component group start next.
  • Components in the remaining component groups have the lowest priority.

The Siebel Server starts components in the System Management component group and waits for the maximum number of seconds, specified by the Component Priority Level Timeout for these components to initialize. If, at the expiry of Component Priority Level Timeout, the components fail to initialize, the Siebel Server shuts down otherwise. The components in the Auxiliary System Management component group attempt to start. If the components in this component group fail to initialize before the expiry of Component Priority Level Timeout, the Siebel Server attempts to start the lowest priority components. The Siebel Server attempts to start these components irrespective of the dependencies of these components in the Auxiliary System Management component group, such as File System Manager or Server Request Processor.

Compression Type. Type of compression for SISNAPI network communications (NONE or ZLIB) sent internally between the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) and the Application Object Manager. This parameter is independent of the eapps.cfg configuration file parameter DoCompression, which configures compression between the SWSE and the browser client. Make sure the compression type portion of the eapps.cfg configuration file parameter ConnectString is the same as the Compression Type parameter. See Structure of the eapps.cfg File for details on the ConnectString parameter.

Encryption Type. Type of encryption for network communications between Siebel Web Server Extension and the Application Object Manager (NONE, MSCrypto, or RSA). If you are running the Siebel Web Server Extension and the Siebel Server on the same machine, you must set this parameter to either NONE or RSA. Make sure the encryption type portion of the eapps.cfg configuration file parameter ConnectString is the same as the Compression Type parameter. See Structure of the eapps.cfg File for details on the ConnectString parameter.

Host Name. Name of the host machine on which the Siebel Server is installed. The value is set automatically during the installation of the Siebel Server, but may be changed if you want to route connection requests through a network card bound to a different host name.

Log Archive Keep. Number of log archive directories to keep in the logarchive directory. Each time the Siebel Server service starts, the current log subdirectory moves to the logarchive subdirectory, tagged with the incarnation number of the Siebel Server. This parameter indicates the number of previous logarchive directories to retain. If this parameter is set to 0, the current log subdirectory is not archived upon startup of the Siebel Server Service. If this parameter is set to -1, the Siebel Server keeps logarchive subdirectories. After moving the log directory, a new log directory is created, inheriting the permissions from the parent siebsrvr folder.

Log Segment Size. Determines how large a segment of the log file is in kilobytes. If you set this parameter to 5, the log segment will be 5 KB in size.

Log Maximum Segments. Determines the number of log segments that will be kept. If you set this parameter to 1, only one segment will be kept. When this segment reaches the size specified by the Log Segment Size parameter, the segment is overwritten. In general, you should set this parameter to a high value, such as 20. In this case, the twenty-first segment overwrites the first segment, and so forth.

Server Description. This is a description of the Siebel Server, used for identification in Siebel Server Manager views. The value of this parameter is prompted for during the installation of the Siebel Server.

Server Shutdown Wait Time. Time to wait (in seconds) during a Siebel Server shutdown before killing component processes. When a Siebel Server is shut down (either from the Siebel Server Manager, when the Siebel Server System Service is stopped, or when the machine is shut down or restarted), the currently running component tasks are notified. If the tasks do not shut down within the time specified by the Server Shutdown Wait Time parameter, the Siebel Server kills the component processes directly and then finishes shutting down. The default value of this parameter is 60 seconds.

Siebel Root Directory. Root (install) directory for the Siebel Server. Every Siebel Server subdirectory should be directly under this directory (such as admin, dbtempl, docking, log, logarchive, upgrade). The value for this parameter should never be changed, unless the entire directory structure is moved.

Siebel Server Name. Name of the Siebel Server. This parameter is specified during the installation of the Siebel Server. The name of the Siebel Server may not be changed after it is installed. The Siebel Server Name parameter can contain only alpha characters, numerals, underscores, or a combination thereof; parameter names must also lead with an alpha character and can be no longer than 12 characters. For further information on the Siebel Server Name, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Size of Error Buffer. The number of entries in the shared memory circular error buffer used by the Siebel Management Server. This buffer receives all level 0 and level 1 error messages.

Synchronization Port. TCP/IP port number for the Synchronization Server component. The mobile clients that synchronize with this Siebel Server must be configured to connect to this port when initiating a synchronization session (in the DockConnString parameter of the client configuration file).

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