Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Server Infrastructure Administration > Administering the Siebel File System >

Partitioning the Siebel File System

This topic describes the optional task of partitioning the Siebel File System. You can perform this task after you upgrade to the current release.

Partitioning your Siebel File System allows you to store larger volumes of data on multiple devices. As new file attachments are inserted, they are distributed across the Siebel File System directories that you specify. Where a Siebel File System directory is unavailable, the File System Manager (alias FSMSrvr) component writes the file attachment to the next available directory partition.

The File System Manager component verifies the existence of all the specified file system directories when it starts. If a directory is unavailable, the component writes an error message to the File System Manager log file. If no file system directory is available, the File System Manager component terminates and writes an error message to the File System Manager log file.

Before you partition your Siebel File System, note the following points about different deployment options:

  • Mobile Web Client. A Mobile Web Client's configuration file must refer to a single directory location unless you configure it to use the server-based data source.
  • Replication manager requirements. Partitioning is supported on replicated nodes. For more information about replication, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

To partition your Siebel File System, specify each network directory, delimited by a comma, as a value for the enterprise parameter, Siebel File System (parameter alias, FileSystem). You then run the sfspartition.exe utility, which is located in the bin directory within the Siebel Server root directory. This utility partitions the files in the Siebel File System evenly across the network directories that you specify for the FileSystem enterprise parameter. You must run this utility every time that you make a change to the value of the FileSystem enterprise parameter, for example, if you add or remove a directory. The following procedure describes in detail how to carry out this task.

To partition the file system directory using sfspartition.exe

  1. Set the value of the enterprise parameter, Siebel File System (alias FileSystem), to the directories for the file system.

    NOTE:  If you are performing your task through the Windows command prompt, be sure to include four back slashes for a shared directory.

    For Windows

    Change the enterprise parameter FileSystem to:

    \\\\<shared directory name>\\fs1,\\\\<shared directory name>\\fs2

    Change the enterprise parameter FileSystem to: D:\\fs1,D:\\fs2

    For UNIX

    Change enterprise parameter FileSystem to:

    /export/home/<shared directory name>/fs1,/export/home/qa6/21032/fs2

    NOTE:  Do not include a space before or after the comma.

  2. Make sure the ServerDataSrc named subsystem parameter DSFileSystem is set to *FSM*.

    See Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem Parameters for information on configuring named subsystem parameters.

  3. Open a command prompt and change the directory to the bin subdirectory within the Siebel Server root directory.

    NOTE:  File system directories fs1, fs2 and subdirectories such as att, attmp, and so on need to be manually created before running the sfspartition utility. Permissions needs to be given to these directories and sub directories.

  4. Run sfspartition.exe, using the parameters listed in the following table as shown in the following example. This example partitions one file system on server1 into three partitions on server1 and server2:

    sfspartition.exe /f \\server1\fs1,\\server1\fs2,\\server2\fs /o \\server1\fS



Current Siebel File System paths

Set this value to the path of the existing directory for the file system. Separate file paths by using the comma.



New Siebel File System paths

Set this value to the paths for the new file attachment directories. Separate file paths by using the comma.



N or Y

Do not append the att folder to the file system path.


About the ATT Subdirectory

When using the ATT subdirectory with the sfspartition utility note the following usage requirements:

When the /h parameter is not specified, (the default value is n) or /h n is specified, the sfspartition utility will look into both the source directory and the att subdirectory for the source attachment files. The utility will partition, and, or move the attachment files into the target file systems as specified by the following command:

/f \\server1\siebelFS1,\\server1\siebelFS2,\\server2\siebelFS

When the /h parameter is set to y (that is, /h y), the sfspartition utility will only look into the att subdirectory under the source directory for the source attachment files. The utility will partition, and, or move the attachment files into the target att subdirectories as specified by the following command:

/f \\server1\siebelFS1,\\server1\siebelFS2,\\server2\siebelFS

Following this command, the utility moves attachment files from the source into the \\server1\siebelFS1\att,\\server1\siebelFS2\att,\\server2\siebelFS\att directories. In this case, att sub directories must exist in the target locations.

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