Siebel System Administration Guide > Administering Server System Services > Administering the Siebel Server System Service >

Working with Siebel Server System Service on UNIX

This section describes how to start, stop, check, and reset the Siebel Server System Service daemon process on UNIX.

To start the Siebel Server System Service on UNIX

  1. Log in as the Siebel Service owner user.
  2. Run the or siebenv.csh script to set Siebel environment variables. For more information on these scripts, see the Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.
  3. Enter:

    start_server siebel_server_name


    siebel_server_name = Name of the Siebel Server

    You may run this script to start the System Service for a specified Siebel Server (or servers), either within a specified Siebel Enterprise Server or across Siebel Enterprise Servers defined for the current installation.

    • To start multiple servers, enter the names of the Siebel Servers (separated by spaces), or all to start all Siebel Servers configured under the specified SIEBEL_ROOT on the particular server machine (or all Siebel Servers for a particular Siebel Enterprise Server, if the Siebel Enterprise Server name is specified, as described in the use of the -e switch):

    start_server server1 server2...

    start_server all

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r switch by entering:

    start_server -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not need to use this switch, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Server (or servers) run.

    • To limit the operation to Siebel Servers in a specific Siebel Enterprise Server, use the -e switch by entering:

    start_server -e enterprise server1 server2...

    You do not need to use this switch if the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable is set in the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel Enterprise Server name. To start all servers for all Siebel Enterprise Servers configured for the SIEBEL_ROOT, do not use this flag (you may also need to unset the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable).

    For example, to start the System Service for the prod01 server in the Siebel Enterprise Server, use the following command:

    start_server -e siebel prod01

    To start the System Services for the prod01 and prod02 servers in the Siebel Enterprise Server, use the following command:

    start_server -e siebel prod01 prod02

    • To start only Siebel Servers that are marked with the autostart attribute, use the -a switch by entering:

    start_server -a

    Typically, this flag should only be used when invoking the start_server script from an autostart script. For more information on the autostart script, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

    • To force the startup, use the -f switch by entering:

    start_server -f

    This switch can be used to make sure that the Siebel Server (or servers) start even if it was not previously shut down cleanly. This switch is typically not needed.

NOTE:  Do not manually copy or rename the svc.siebsrvr.* filenames or any files in the siebsrvr/sys directory. Additionally, do not delete MW* (mainwin) files stored in the /tmp directory while the Siebel Server is running. These files are re-used by components in the event of a component restart.

To stop the Siebel Server System Service on UNIX

  1. Log in as the Siebel Service owner user.
  2. Run the script in the current shell process as follows:

    . ./

  3. Enter:

    stop_server siebel_server_name

    You may run this script to stop the System Service for a specified Siebel Server (or servers), either within a specified Siebel Enterprise Server or across all Siebel Enterprise Servers defined for the current installation.

    • To stop multiple Siebel Servers, enter the names of the Siebel Servers (separated by spaces), or all to stop all Siebel Servers configured under the specified SIEBEL_ROOT (or all Siebel Servers for a particular Siebel Enterprise Server, if the Siebel Enterprise Server name is specified, as described in the use of the -e switch):

    stop_server server1 server2...

    stop_server all

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r switch by entering:

    stop_server -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not need to use this switch, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Server (or servers) is running.

    • To limit the operation to Siebel Servers in a specific Siebel Enterprise Server, use the -e switch by entering:

    stop_server -e enterprise server1 server2...

    You do not need to use this switch if the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable is set in the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel Enterprise Server name. To stop all Siebel Servers for all Siebel Enterprise Servers configured for the SIEBEL_ROOT, do not use this flag (you may need to unset the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable).

    To stop the System Services for the prod01 Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server, use the following command:

    stop_server -e siebel prod01

    • To force the shutdown, use the -f switch by entering:

    stop_server -f

    This switch causes the Siebel Server to shut down sooner, but may not give all components a chance to shut down cleanly. In general, the force option should only be used if the Siebel Servers did not respond to the nonforced shutdown in a timely manner.

NOTE:  A normal shutdown of the Siebel Server System Service on UNIX deletes MainWin page files of the format MW* stored in the /tmp directory. You can safely delete these files if they remain after the Siebel Server shuts down. However, do not delete these files while the Siebel Server is running.

To check the status of the Siebel Server System Service on UNIX

  • Enter:

    list_server siebel_server_name

    You may run this script to list the System Service for a specified Siebel Server (or servers), either within a specified Siebel Enterprise Server or across all Siebel Enterprise Servers defined for the current installation.

    • To check the status of multiple Siebel Servers, enter the names of the Siebel Servers (separated by spaces), or all to check the status of all Siebel Servers configured under the specified SIEBEL_ROOT (only if an Siebel Enterprise Server is not specified):

    list_server server1 server2...

    list_server all

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r switch by entering:

    list_server -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not need to use this switch, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Server (or servers) is configured.

    • To specify the Siebel Enterprise Server under which the specified Siebel Server (or servers) is running, use the -e switch by entering:

    list_server -e enterprise server1 server2...

    You do not need to use this switch if the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable is set in the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel Enterprise Server name to indicate the Siebel Enterprise Server under which the Siebel Servers are running. To check the status of all Siebel Servers for all Siebel Enterprise Servers configured for the SIEBEL_ROOT, use all for the enterprise variable.

    For example, to list the current status of the System Service for the prod01 Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server, use the following command:

    list_server -e siebel prod01

To reset the Siebel Server System Service on UNIX

  • Enter:

    reset_server siebel_server_name

    NOTE:  Only use this script if the Siebel Server System Service is unable to start after an abnormal shutdown or crash of the application server machine; it should not be used (or needed) as part of normal operation of the Siebel Server.

    You may run this script to reset the System Service for a specified Siebel Server (or servers), either within a specified Siebel Enterprise Server or across all Siebel Enterprise Servers defined for the current installation. The names of one or more Siebel Servers (separated by spaces) must be specified on the command line.

    • To reset multiple Siebel Servers, enter the names of the Siebel Servers (separated by spaces), or all to reset all Siebel Servers configured under the specified SIEBEL_ROOT (or all Siebel Servers for a particular Siebel Enterprise Server, if the Siebel Enterprise Server name is specified, as described in the use of the -e switch):

    reset_server server1 server2...

    reset_server all

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r switch by entering:

    reset_server -r siebel root

    Typically, you do not need to use this switch, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Server (or servers) is running.

    • To specify the Siebel Enterprise Server under which the specified Siebel Server (or servers) is configured, use the -e switch by entering:

    reset_server -e enterprise server1 server2...

    You do not need to use this switch if the SIEBEL_ENTERPRISE environment variable is set in the siebenv.csh (or script during installation. If this is not the case, then you must specify the Siebel Enterprise Server name to indicate the Siebel Enterprise Server under which the Siebel Servers are configured. To reset all Siebel Servers for all Siebel Enterprise Servers configured for the SIEBEL_ROOT, use all for the enterprise variable.

    To reset the System Services for the prod01 Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server, use the following command:

    reset_server -e siebel prod01

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