Siebel Developer's Reference > Siebel Web Engine Tags >

swe:viewbar, swe:for-each-view, swe:viewlink, swe:viewname

In version 7.7 and higher, these tags are used only for Standard Interactivity views. High Interactivity views use swe:nav-control. For more information see swe:nav-control.


The swe:viewbar tag implements the picklist used for second-level navigation and the detail view list used for third-level navigation.

The Visibility picklist appears in the view bar frame (see the CCPageContainer.swt and CCFrameViewbar.swt templates). The Visibility picklist is implemented as a swe:viewbar tag with a Type setting of Select and a Mode setting of Context, as shown:


<td nowrap>

<swe:viewbar type="Select" mode="Context">

<swe:this property="FormattedHtml"/>




The detail View bar is also implemented by means of a swe:viewbar tag, but with different attribute settings. Specifically, the Type attribute is omitted, and the Mode attribute has a value of NonContext instead of Context. This creates a horizontal View bar consisting of tabs populated with the display names of all the noncontext Views, instead of a picklist control populated with the display names of the context Views. The template logic for rendering the detail View bar is as follows (see CCViewbar_Tabs.swt):


... HTML ...


... HTML ...

<swe:viewlink state="Active">

... HTML ....

   <swe:this property="FormattedHtml">

   ... HTML ....


   ... HTML ...


... HTML ...


<swe:viewlink state="InActive">

... HTML ....

   <swe:this property="FormattedHtml">

   ... HTML ....


   ... HTML ...


... HTML ...


... HTML ..


... HTML ..


Notice that the detail View bar implementation of the swe:viewbar tag requires the use of the child swe:for-each-view, swe:viewlink, and swe:viewname tags. The Visibility picklist implementation omits these child tags.


The swe:viewbar tag has the following syntax:

<swe:viewbar type="xxx" mode="yyy" property="zzz">


Type. This can have one value, Select. If the type is set to Select, the view bar is rendered as an HTML select control showing the set of available views (context, noncontext or both, depending on the Mode setting). The user is navigated to the selected view as soon as the user makes a choice in this control.

Mode. The mode can have two values: Context and NonContext. If the value is Context, only the context-based views are shown. If the value is NonContext, only the noncontext views are shown. If this attribute is not specified, all views are shown.

Property. This attribute is to be used only when the type is set to Select. This attribute can have a value of FormattedHtml, in which case the HTML select control is rendered. If this attribute is not specified, then this tag acts as a conditional tag to show its contents if there are views to show.


This tag iterates over the views to be shown in the view bar.




This tag outputs a link to navigate to the view.


State. (Optional) Can have value Active or Inactive. If the state is Active, this tag is used only if the current view name being rendered is the currently active view. If the state is Inactive, this tag is used only if the current view name being rendered is not the currently active view. If not specified, the tag is shown for all views.

Property. (Optional) Can have only one value, FormattedHtml, which generates the HTML for creating a link to navigate to the view. If this attribute is not specified, then no output is generated.

htmlAttr. (Optional) Can be used to add additional HTML attributes to the generated HTML tag.

NOTE:  The swe:viewlink tag can be used without specifying the property attribute, but with a value for the state attribute to conditionally show different HTML for active and inactive views. When the property attribute is not specified, the property can be displayed within the body of the swe:viewlink tag using the swe:this tag.


This tag outputs the name of the view.

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