Siebel Master Data Applications Reference for Industry Applications > Administering Siebel Master Data Applications >

Monitoring Source Data of UCM Records

Monitoring the source data and history of UCM records from this view reveals a global view of the evolution of UCM records.

For information on other UCM data management tasks, see About Managing UCM Data.

To monitor source data for Contacts or Accounts

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Universal Customer Master screen.
  2. From the link bar, select Transaction History.
  3. Select either Account Source Data or Contact Source Data.
  4. In this list, review the records that show the source data and history records for contacts or accounts (content is similar to the Historical Version view except that the Historical Version view only shows source and history data for a specific UCM record; this view show source data and history data for all UCM records).
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