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Kill Statement

Deletes files from a hard disk or floppy drive.


Kill pathname



A string expression that represents a valid DOS file specification


Not applicable


The pathname specification can contain paths and wildcards (? and *). Kill deletes files only, not folders. To delete folders, use the RmDir function.


This example prompts a user for an account number, opens a file, searches for the account number, and displays the matching letter for that number. The second subprogram, CreateFile, creates the file c:\temp001 used by the main subprogram. After processing is done, the first subroutine uses Kill to delete the file.

(general) (declarations)
Option Explicit
Declare Sub CreateFile
Global x as Integer
Global y(100) as String

Sub CreateFile
' Put the numbers 1-10 and letters A-J into a file
   Dim startletter
   Open "c:\temp001" for Output as #1
   startletter = 65
   For x = 1 to 10
      y(x) = Chr(startletter)
      startletter = startletter + 1
   Next x
   For x = 1 to 10
      Write #1, x,y(x)
   Next x
      Close #1
End Sub

Sub Button_Click
   Dim acctno as Integer
   Dim msgtext
   Call CreateFile
i: acctno = 6
   If acctno<1 Or acctno>10 then
      Goto i:
   End if
   x = 1
   Open "c:\temp001" for Input as #1
   Do Until x = acctno
      Input #1, x,y(x)
      msgtext = "The letter for account number " & x & " is: _
      " & y(x)
   Close #1
      kill "c:\temp001"
End Sub

Related Topics

FileAttr Function
FileDateTime Function
GetAttr Function
RmDir Statement

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