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Rnd Function

This standard VB function returns a single-precision random number between 0 and 1.





A numeric expression indicating how the random number is to be generated


A single-precision pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.


If number is less than zero, the specified number is used as the seed for a pseudo-random number, which is generated every time the Rnd function is executed. If number is greater than zero, or is omitted, Rnd generates a sequence of pseudo-random numbers, in which each execution of the Rnd function uses the next number in the sequence. If number is equal to zero, Rnd uses the number most recently generated.

The same sequence of random numbers is generated whenever Rnd is run, unless the random number generator is re-initialized by the Randomize statement.


This example generates a random string of characters within a range. The Rnd function is used to set the range between lowercase a and z. The second For...Next loop is to slow down processing in the first For...Next loop so that Randomize can be seeded with a new value each time from the Timer function.

Sub Button_Click
   Dim x as Integer
   Dim y
   Dim str1 as String
   Dim str2 as String
   Dim letter as String
   Dim randomvalue
   Dim upper, lower
   Dim msgtext
   upper = Asc("z")
   lower = Asc("a")
   newline = Chr(10)
   For x = 1 to 26
      randomvalue = Int(((upper - (lower + 1)) * Rnd) + lower)
      letter = Chr(randomvalue)
      str1 = str1 & letter
      For y = 1 to 1500
      Next y
   Next x
      msgtext = str1
End Sub

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Exp Function
Fix Function
Int Function
Log Function
Randomize Statement
Sgn Function
Sqr Function

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