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CreateObject Function

Creates a new COM automation object.





The name of the application


The name of the object to be used


Not applicable


To create an object, you first must declare an object variable, using Dim, and then Set the variable equal to the new object, as follows:

Dim excelObj As Object
Set excelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

To refer to a method or property of the newly created object, use the syntax or objectvar.method, as follows:

Dim cellVal as String
cellVal = excelObj.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value

Refer to the documentation provided with your Web Client Automation Server application for correct application and object names. Modal or nonmodal forms cannot be displayed from server-based applications. DLLs instantiated by this function should be Thread-Safe.

CAUTION:  When invoking a COM object, a 440 error message may occur if you pass the wrong number, order, or type of arguments to the COM object.


This example uses CreateObject to create an Excel worksheet and then edits and saves the worksheet.

Sub BtnExcel_Click
   Dim oWorkSheet As Object
   Dim sfileName As String
   Set oWorkSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
   If oWorkSheet Is Nothing then
      Exit Sub
   End If

   ' Make Excel visible through the Application object.
   oWorkSheet.Application.Visible = 1
   ' Place some text in the first cell of the sheet
   oWorkSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Column A, Row 1"
   ' Save the sheet
   sfileName = "C:\demo.xls"
   oWorkSheet.SaveAs (fileName)
   ' Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object
   ' Clear the object from memory
   Set oWorkSheet = Nothing
End Sub

This example uses CreateObject to create a Word document and then edits and saves the document.

Sub BtnWrd_Click
   Dim oWord As Object
   Dim fileName As String
   fileName = "C:\demo.doc"
   Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   ' Create a new document
   If oWord Is Nothing then
      Exit Sub
   End If
   ' Make Word visible through the Application object
   oWord.Application.Visible = 1
   ' Add some text
   oWord.Selection.TypeText "This is a demo."
   ' Save the document
   oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs (fileName)
   ' Close Word with the Quit method on the Application object
   ' Clear the object from memory
   Set oWord = Nothing
End Sub

Related Topics

GetObject Function
Is Operator
Me Object
New Operator
Nothing Function
Object Class
Typeof Function

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