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Erase Statement

This standard VB statement reinitializes the contents of a fixed array or frees the storage associated with a dynamic array.


Erase Array[, Array]



The name of the array variable to re-initialize


Not applicable


The effect of using Erase on the elements of a fixed array varies with the type of the element:

Element Type
Erase Effect


Each element is set to zero.

Variable-length string

Each element is set to a zero-length string ("").

Fixed-length string

Each element's string is filled with zeros.


Each element is set to Empty.

User-defined type

Members of each element are cleared as if the members were array elements; that is, numeric members have their values set to zero, the strings to "", and so on.


Each element is set to the special value Nothing.


This example prompts for a list of item numbers to put into an array and clears the array if the user wants to start over.

Sub Button_Click
   Dim msgtext
   Dim inum(100) as Integer
   Dim x, count
   Dim newline
   newline = Chr(10)
   x = 1
   count = x
   inum(x) = 0
      inum(x) = x + 1
      If inum(x) = 99 then
         Erase inum()
         x = 0
      ElseIf inum(x) = 0 then
         Exit Do   
      End If
      x = x + 1
   count = x-1
   msgtext = "You entered the following numbers:" & newline
   For x = 1 to count
      TheApplication.TraceOn "c:\temp\trace.txt", "Allocation", "All"
      TheApplication.Trace msgtext & inum(x) & newline
      Next x
End Sub

Related Topics

Dim Statement
LBound Function
ReDim Statement
UBound Function

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