Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks >

Enabling a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Connection for SMTP and POP3 Drivers

Complete the following procedure to enable an SSL connection for SMTP and POP3 drivers.

To enable an SSL connection for SMTP and POP3 drivers

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen > Communications Drivers and Profiles list view.
  2. In the Communications Drivers list, select Internet SMTP/POP3 Server.
  3. Click the Driver Parameters tab and complete the fields in the following table.

    Enable SSL for POP3

    Enter a value of TRUE to enable SSL.

    Enable SSL for SMTP

    Enter a value of TRUE to enable SSL.

    POP3 Server Port

    Change POP3 port to 995.

    NOTE:  Port 110 is used for non-SSL connections.

    SMTP Account Name

    Enter value for SMTP Account Name.

    SMTP Account Password

    Enter value for SMTP Account Password.

    SMTP Backup Account Name

    Specifies account name for backup SMTP interface requiring user authentication.

    SMTP Backup Account Password

    Specifies account password for backup SMTP interface requiring user authentication.

    SMTP Server Port

    Port 25 is used for both SSL and non-SSL connections.

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