Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks >

Setting SSL Server Parameters

In order to ensure secure transactions between the Siebel Server and the Email Server, it is highly recommend that you set the SSL Server parameters contained. The following procedure describes how to set the SSL Server parameters so the Cryptographic Authentication is enabled. For more information, see Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications.

To set the SSL Server Parameters

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen -> Servers list view.
  2. In the Servers list, select the Siebel Server.
  3. Click the Parameters view tab.
  4. Set the SSL parameters as outlined in the following table.


    The URL to the Cryptographic Authentication certificate file. This value must be set to enable CA of emails. An example of this URL might be d:\siebel\admin\cacertfile.pem for example.


    The URL to the certificate file.


    The URL to the key file.


    The password of the key file.


    Used to enable Cryptographic Authentication. Set this value to TRUE.


    Used to enable authentication of the certification files. This can be set to false.

    CAUTION:  In order to ensure that Authentication is working you MUST set at least the CACertFileName and PeerAuth parameters.

NOTE:  For further details on these SSL Parameters, see the following sections in the Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications: Configuring SSL Encryption for SWSE, Configuring SSL Encryption for Siebel Enterprise or Siebel Server, and Parameters in the eapps.cfg File.

Siebel Email Response Administration Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.