Siebel eScript Language Reference > Siebel eScript Commands > Math Objects >

Math.log() Method

This function returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the natural logarithm of its parameter.





A numeric literal or numeric variable


An implementation-dependent approximation of the natural logarithm of number.


This example uses the Math.log() function to determine which number is larger: 999^1000 (999 to the 1000th power) or 1000^999 (1000 to the 999th power). Note that if you attempt to use the Math.pow() function instead of the Math.log() function with numbers this large, the result returned would be Infinity.

function Test_Click ()
   var x = 999;
   var y = 1000;
   var a = y*(Math.log(x));
   var b = x*(Math.log(y))
   if ( a > b )
         RaiseErrorText("999^1000 is greater than 1000^999.");
         RaiseErrorText("999^1000 is not greater than 1000^999.");

See Also

Math.E Property
Math.exp() Method
Math.LN10 Property
Math.LN2 Property
Math.LOG2E Property
Math.LOG10E Property
Math.pow() Method

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