Siebel eService Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel eService >

Setting Up Autocreation of Attachments for Siebel eService

When filling out a service request, Siebel eService users can use the Description field to describe their issue. When the description is greater than the configured number of words (the default is 2,000 characters), Siebel eService automatically creates a text file attachment and stores the file. You can also map this Description field to any database column (such as the extension column) with a character maximum of any specified number, defined by the database table.

To modify this functionality, use Siebel Tools to configure the Max Description Length user property of the Service Request (eService) business component, and specify a value for the maximum limit of characters for the auto file attachment creation. For instructions on mapping business component fields to database fields other than the default ones, see Using Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  The Auto-created attachment file has the naming format: <SR Number>_<Login Name>.txt.

To configure max description length buscomp

  1. In the Object Explorer window, select Business Component.

    The Business Components window appears.

  2. From the Business Components window, query and select Service Request (eService).
  3. From the Object Explorer window, open the Business Component User Prop object.

    The Business Component User Properties window appears.

  4. Select the Value field, and edit the number as needed.
  5. Compile the new changes into a new SRF file.
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