Accessibility Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Using Siebel Accessibility Features > Enabling Accessibility Features in Standard Interactivity Mode >

Configuring an Employee Application CFG File for Accessibility

Enabling accessibility features requires setting up a separate CFG file for use with standard interactivity.

To configure an employee application for accessibility

  1. Set up a Siebel Server following standard procedures.

    See Siebel System Administration Guide for additional instructions.

  2. Navigate to siebsrvr\bin\language\ and create a new CFG file (for example, the uagent.cfg file for Siebel Call Center) by copying an existing one.
  3. Modify the new CFG file.
    1. Rename the copy (for example, uagent_2.cfg).
    2. Change the following parameters in your configuration file in the SWE section:

      HighInteractivity = FALSE

      ExtendedKeyboard = TRUE
    3. Add the following additional lines in your configuration file in the SWE section:

      ApplicationStyle = EmployeeFacing

      AccessibleEnhanced = TRUE

      DisableSITabIndex= TRUE
  4. If you are deploying standard interactivity and high interactivity on the same Siebel Server, modify the eapps.cfg to add application name_si as the Web server directory. You can copy the [/application name_language] section and make changes in it.

    [/application name_si]

    ConnectString = siebel://GATEWAY_NAME:2320/siebel/SCCObjMgr_si/SIEBEL_SERVER_NAME

  5. Restart the Siebel Server and Gateway Server.
Accessibility Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications