Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Working with Data and Managing the Web Catalog Using Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API > Description of Structures in the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API >

Defining HTML Display Options for Results Using the ReportHTMLOptions Structure in the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API

The ReportHTMLOptions structure defines options for displaying results on an HTML page.

The ReportHTMLOptions structure is used in the HtmlViewService service. For information about the HtmlViewService service, see Overview of the Siebel Analytics Web HtmlViewService Service.

Fields in the ReportHTMLOptions Structure


Boolean enableDelayLoading

A Boolean value, 1 (true) or 0 (false).

When set to true, the Siebel Analytics Web server is not required to provide results immediately, and may display a message indicating that it is waiting for results.

NOTE:  The value is always assumed to be true, even when set to false.

Using enableDelayLoading can be useful when results may take some time to obtain but you want to provide immediate feedback.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide