Siebel Financial Services Connector for ACORD P&C and Surety Guide > Data Types > ACORD XML Data Types >

Identifier References

An Identifier Reference is a technique for referencing an identifier on an aggregate or element that is elsewhere in the stream. This specification provides two different types of identifier references:

  • Identifier Reference
  • Multiple Identifier References

Identifier Reference

Related to the transient identifier is its matching reference. Identifier References in the specification are of the data type "Identifier Reference." This is Character data that matches the XML rules for ID attribute data type values and it must match a value in the current data stream. These values are typically shown as @xxxRef, where xxx is replaced with a value that describes the type of object or tag that the item references.

There is a special Identifier Reference, called CodeListRef, used on all tags of type Open and Closed Enum. Its usage is always optional. When used, it should reference the ID of a CodeList aggregate that identifies (among other things) the owner of the code list. Although it is not shown in the rest of this document, it is defined in the next section.

Multiple Identifier References

When an aggregate or element references more than one item in the stream, a "Multiple Identifier References" data type is defined and is typically shown as @xxxRefs, where xxx is replaced with a value that describes the type of object that the item references.

Siebel Financial Services Connector for ACORD P&C and Surety Guide