This document contains the following table:
Header (SAP to Siebel)      
Integration Objects: Product - Receive SAP 46C Material (MATMAS03)
Product - Receive SAP 46C Material (Siebel 77)
Transaction Description: Creates and Updates Siebel Products with SAP Products.
Workflow: Product - Receive SAP 46C Material
Business Service (Name): Product - SAP 46C Maps
Business Service (Display Name): Product - SAP 46C Maps
Map Function(s): ReceiveProduct_46CIDOCToSiebel
SAP Interface: MATMAS03 (IDOC)
Siebel View: Products | All Products
SAP Screen: Logistics | Sales/distribution | Master Data | Products | Material | * | Display
Header (SAP to Siebel)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP IDOC   SAPGUI  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Segment    Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
N/A N/A Internal Product Integration Id S_PROD_INT INTEGRATION_ID E2MARAM004 MATNR   Basic Data Material 1st field
Product List Applet Orderable Internal Product Orderable S_PROD_INT ORDERABLE_FLG E2MARAM004 PSTAT, LVORM if field LVORM == "X", pass "N" to Siebel, else if field PSTAT contains a"V" then pass "Y" to Siebel, otherwise pass "N" N/A    
Product List Applet Sales Product Internal Product Sales Product Flag S_PROD_INT SALES_PROD_FLG E2MARAM004 PSTAT, LVORM if field LVORM == "X", pass "N" to Siebel, else if field PSTAT contains a"V" then pass "Y" to Siebel, otherwise pass "N" N/A    
Product Entry Applet Vendor Part Number Internal Product Vendor Part Number S_PROD_INT VENDR_PART_NUM E2MARAM004 MFRPN   ? ? Mapping changed from MAKTX
Product List Applet Unit of Measure Internal Product Unit of Measure S_PROD_INT UOM_CD E2MARAM004 MEINS Translate SAP unit into Siebel Unit. Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sales unit or Base unit of measure The SAP Base UOM is mapped to UOM in Siebel.
Product Form Applet Division Internal Product SAP Division Code S_PROD_INT DIVN_CD E2MARAM004 SPART   Basic Data 1 Division  
Product List Applet Product Internal Product Name S_PROD_INT NAME E2MAKTM001 MATNR   Basic Data 1 Material 1st field
Product List Applet Part # Internal Product Part # S_PROD_INT PART_NUM E2MAKTM001 MAKTX, SPRAS This field is mapped to MAKTX, but SPRAS decide which record's MAKTX is going to use: 1st Choice: SPRAS = Current Language, 2nd Choice SPRAS = English, 3th Choice - First record.
Basic Data 1 Material 2nd field
Product List Applet Description Internal Product Description S_PROD_INT DESC_TEXT E2MTXLM TDLINE If the parent Segment E2MTXHM001's field TDID == "0001" and field TDSPRAS is matched with Siebel's language or English or first, then E2MTXLN's first four TDLINE are concatenated into Siebel. Sales Text   The mapping only uses the first four fields based on the field length in Siebel.
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet   Internal Division Status S_PROD_INT_BU STATUS_CD E2MVKEM002  LVORM If field LVORM != "X" " " is passed, otherwise "Deletion" is passed to Siebel N/A N/A Material--> Flag for deletion --> immediately or schedule
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet SAP Sales Organization Internal Division Back Office Sales Organization S_ORG_EXT SALES_ORG_CD E2MVKEM002  VKORG   Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sale Org.  
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet SAP Distribution Channel Internal Division Back Office Distribution Channel S_ORG_EXT DIST_CHANNEL_CD E2MVKEM002  VTWEG   Sales: Sales Org. 1 Distr. Chl  
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Minimum Order Unit Internal Division Minimum Order Unit S_PROD_INT_BU MIN_ORDER_UNITS E2MVKEM002  AUMNG   Sales: Sales Org. 1 Min. order qty  
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Primary Plant Internal Division Primary Plant S_INVLOC NAME E2MVKEM002  DWERK   Sales: Sales Org. 1 Delivery Plant  
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Unit of Measure Internal Division Unit of Measure S_PROD_INT_BU UOM_CD E2MVKEM002  VRKME If VRKME not empty, use VRKME, otherwise use parent's MEINS field, translate it into Siebel unit. Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sales Unit  
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Orderable Internal Division Orderable S_PROD_INT_BU ORDERABLE_FLG E2MVKEM002  LVORM If field LVORM == "X" "N" is passed to Siebel N/A N/A Material--> Flag for deletion --> immediately or schedule
FS Inventory Location List Applet Inventory Name FS Inventory Location Inventory Name S_INVLOC NAME E2MARCM003 WERKS Only if parent's field PSTAT contain "V", this record will be created. Sales: General/Plant Plant  
FS Inventory Location List Applet Inventory Type FS Inventory Location Inventory Type S_INVLOC_TYPE NAME     Only if parent's field PSTAT contain "V", this record will be created, value "SAP Plant" is passed. N/A N/A