Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > DAC Quick Start > Tailoring Execution Plans for Your Needs >

Pruning Subject Areas in the DAC

A subject area is a group of table groups (stars). For example, the subject area named Sales Subject Area may consist of the following stars: Order, Opportunity, and Quote. Including a subject area in an execution plan means that all the tables that belong to the table groups and the related table groups will be populated during the ETL process.

You can add and remove table groups from the preconfigured subject areas, or you can remove a table group from a subject area by inactivating the table group.

You can also create a new subject area by associating it with the appropriate table groups. You can create a subject area with any kind of table group, but it is recommended that you use table groups of the star type. A star usually consists of a fact table, dimensions, and aggregates (if any).

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide