Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > DAC Quick Start >

Distributing DAC Metadata

Typically, you may have multiple environments, such as development, QA, production, and so on. When you make changes to the development environment, you test it, and then deliver it, exporting the whole environment and distributing it to the other environments. The data is exported as XML files, which are stored in the DAC\export directory on the client machine where the export is done.

To apply changes from the development environment to any other, you copy all of the XML files into the DAC\export folder and then import the data.

To distribute DAC metadata from the development environment to another environment

  1. In the DAC, select Tools > DAC Repository Management > Export.

    The Export dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Export All Tables. Select this option to duplicate the entire environment. All tables in the DAC repository and the information in the Design view associated with them are exported as XML files and stored in the DAC\export folder. Exercise caution when selecting this option, because when you import this data, it replaces all run-time information that exists on the database where the import is performed.
    • Export Categories. Select this option to export part of the data from the development environment. The data is stored as XML files in the DAC\export folder. Select one of the following categories:
      • Logical. Exports all information contained in the Design view and the database connection information. This option preserves all the run data in the new environment, including refresh dates.
      • Run Time. Exports the run-time information but preserves all the logical definitions in the new environment. You may seldom have to select this option.
      • System. Exports system preferences, ETL preferences, and email recipient information. Passwords for servers and database connections are not exported.
  3. Copy the XML files from the DAC\export folder in the development environment to the DAC\export folder on the local machine in the new environment.
  4. In the DAC, in the new environment, select Tools > DAC Repository Management > Import.

    The Import dialog box appears.

  5. Select the import option that corresponds to the export option you selected in step 2. The following options are available:
    • Import All Tables. For security reasons, this option does not populate the password fields. Make sure you update the passwords before attempting to run an ETL process.
    • Import Categories. Select one of the following categories:
      • Logical
      • Run Time
      • System
Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide