Data Mining Deployment Guide > Setting Up Batch Scoring with Siebel Data Mining >

Process of Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications for Batch Deployment

NOTE:  This applies only to users of Siebel Analytics Applications.

In deployment scenarios where customer behavior changes little over time, you may choose to display batch scores in Siebel operational applications instead of generating scores in real time. If you decide to expose batch scores, like churn propensity, in a Siebel operational application, you must configure the respective Siebel objects to connect to Siebel Analytics.

NOTE:  It is assumed that batch scores are stored in the Siebel Data Warehouse. See Using Siebel Tools for configuration details.

The following instructions explain how to access a batch score from Siebel Analytics and expose it in a business component.

To access a batch score from Siebel Analytics

  1. Create two new calculated fields on the business component that will expose the batch score:
    • The first field will hold a logical Siebel Analytics SQL statement that will fetch the batch score.
    • The second field will hold the score itself. (You can call these two fields anything you like, but for these procedures they are called CField1 and CField2.)
  2. In CField1, enter a logical SQL statement with the following syntax:

    'SELECT <Score Column> FROM <Subject Area> where <Score Model Name> = <Model Name> and 'Contact or Prospect ID' = '''+[Contact Id]+''''

    For example, to display a churn propensity score in the Contact applet of Siebel Call Center, the required SQL statement for the first new calculated field on the Contact business component might look like this:

    'SELECT 'Customer Score' FROM 'Data Mining' where 'Score Model Name' = 'Churn Model 11-2003' and 'Contact or Prospect ID' = '''+[Contact ID]+''''

  3. In CField2, enter the following expression:

    InvokeServiceMethod("IIM", "ExecuteQuery",
    "Username='<Siebel Analytics user>', Password='<password>',
    DSN='<Analytics ODBC DSN>', Query=[CField2]", QueryResult)

    <Analytics ODBC DSN> identifies an ODBC data source name for your Siebel Analytics Server with <Siebel Analytics user> and <password> as a valid user. You must set up this DSN on the machine running Siebel Server using an ODBC Data Source Administrator program. Refer to your operating system's user guide for complete instructions.

  4. Expose CField2 in the Contact applet.
  5. Set up the Intelligent Interaction Manager business service, as stated in the Process of Configuring Intelligent Interaction Manager for Real-Time Deployment section of Deploying Real-Time Scoring with Siebel Data Mining.
Data Mining Deployment Guide