Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications > Pick Lists, Drilldowns, and MVGs > Configuring Pick Lists >

Constraining a Pick List

You can filter a pick applet to display only records that have field values that match corresponding fields in the originating business component's records. For example, you can constrain the Opportunity pick applet, configured in the previous section, to display only the opportunities for the account associated with the activity.

To constrain a pick list you create another pick map with a Constrain property set to TRUE. This pick map defines fields on the originating business component and a field on the pick business component. These two fields must match for the record to be displayed in the pick applet. You can create more than one constrain pick map. Constrain pick maps do not copy the values of the field from the originating business component to the pick business component. They serve as a filter to determine which records appear in the pick applet.

Following the NREC example, you constrain the list of records displayed in the Opportunity Pick Applet based on the Account field.

To create a constrain pick map

  1. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component object type.
  2. In the Object List Editor, select the Action business component.

    The Action business component is the originating business component.

    NOTE:  The Opportunity business component is the pick business component.

  3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Field object type (child of Business Component).
  4. In the Object List Editor, select the Opportunity field.

    The Opportunity Field is the field from which the pick applet is invoked.

  5. In the Object Explorer, select the Pick Map object type (child of Field).
  6. In the Object List Editor, enter the record as shown in the following table.
    Pick List Field

    Account Name



    The Account Name field on the originating business component must match the Account field on the pick list business component for the record to be displayed in the pick applet.

  7. Compile and Unit Test.

    To test, you need to have some data entered for accounts, activities, and opportunities. Select an activity and then open the Opportunity pick list. The Pick Opportunity list shows only the opportunities that match the selected account.

Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications