Siebel Finance Guide > Call Reports >

Creating Call Report Distribution Lists

A distribution list is the list of contacts who need to know what is happening with a particular client. Usually, it is the coverage team for the client, plus any additional employee participants. The application automatically places the call report creator and each employee participant on the distribution list. For other employees, such as the coverage team, to receive a call report, end users must manually add them to the distribution list.

When end users use the call report Email Report feature, the distribution list controls who receives the report. The call report Print Report function and the Send Email function, both available through the application-level File menu (F9), are not affected by the distribution list.

To create a distribution list

  1. Navigate to the Call Reports screen > Call Report List view.
  2. In the Call Reports list, drill down on the call report for which to create a distribution list.
  3. In the Distribution field, click the select button.
  4. In the Employees dialog box, select one or more employees to add to the distribution list and click Add.

    The selected name or names are added to the distribution list.

Siebel Finance Guide