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Process for Migrating Customizations Between Applications

The process for migrating run-time data customizations uses the Application Deployment Manager (ADM) feature and involves two stages: One-time setup and deployment.

For background information on migrating data using ADM, see About Migrating Customizations Between Applications.

One-Time Set-Up Stage

To complete the one-time set-up stage for migrating customizations using ADM, perform the following tasks:

  1. Creating Integration Objects for ADM
  2. Creating Content Objects for ADM
  3. Configuring Batch Workflows for ADM Command-Line Interface Deployment
  4. Setting Up the Application Environment for Data Migration
  5. Creating ADM Data Types
  6. Creating ADM Data Type Relationships
  7. Creating ADM Deployment Projects
  8. Creating ADM Deployment Filters
  9. Enabling the ADM Deployment Project

Deployment Stage

To complete the deployment stage for migrating customizations using ADM, perform the following tasks:

  1. Creating Deployment Sessions Using ADM.
  2. Deploy the ADM Deployment Session. Choose one of the following three methods to deploy ADM sessions:
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