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Moving Inventory with Medical Handheld

You can move products that are expired or short-dated from any source location to any destination location. You can decide to move products while performing a count (for example, an expired product) or after a count (for example, a short-dated product that you believe would have a higher probability of being used in another inventory location). You may also decide to move inventory to another sales representative's trunk (for example, swap inventory).

Scenario for Performing Part Movements

This topic gives one example of how you can use Siebel Medical Handheld for performing part movements. You might use Siebel Medical Handheld differently, depending on your business model.

A medical devices sales representative is in the middle of a cycle count. While scanning a product, she is notified by a beep and dialog box that the product just scanned is expired. She taps OK in the dialog box, and sets aside the product as something she will need to take out of that inventory location. To record this, she taps Move while still in the Barcode Scan pop-up view. This brings her to the Part Move view which lists the product and asset she is moving. Most fields in this view will be prepopulated, so she inspects those fields, then taps Accept. A dialog box appears notifying her that the move will not be committed until she completes her count. She taps OK, then taps the back button to get back to the Scan Barcodes view. She taps Stop to disable scanning and taps Count Complete to complete her cycle count. This move requires an approval so she is navigated directly to the Move Approvals view. Additionally, there were a couple of products that were short dated, and she would like to discuss them with her contact. After discussing, she and the contact agree that these short dated products are better off being moved so she navigates to the Inventory Assets view, selects the asset she wants to move, and taps the Move button. This again brings her to the Part Move form, she inspects the data, is confident it is accurate, and taps Accept.

Because this inventory location is set up to require approval when products are being moved out of the location, she needs to capture a signature for this move. After tapping accept, she is navigated directly to Inventory Move Approvals view, where the signature can be captured.

You can initiate a move from a number of views on the handheld. You can decide to move an expired product as part of the cycle count process. Or you can decide to move product as a stand-alone process.

You can perform the following tasks with inventory:

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide