Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Application Administration > Administering Siebel Medical Handheld >

Re-creating Product Hierarchies in Inventory Locations with Siebel Medical Handheld

After creating an inventory location, you define which product, product classes and product groups are tracked in that inventory location. You can use the generate hierarchy command to re-create product hierarchies in an inventory location. You must define product hierarchies for an inventory location so that sales representatives are able to view inventory and usage results in a hierarchical manner in the product hierarchy views.

To re-create product hierarchies in an inventory location

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Inventory.
  2. Select an inventory location from the My Inventory Location list, and then click on the hyperlink in the Name field.

    The Product Inventory view for this Inventory location appears.

  3. In Product Inventory list create a new record.
  4. Click the select button in the Product field.

    The Pick Product picklist appears.

  5. Select a product from picklist, and click OK.
  6. In the External Location form, click Generate Hierarchy.

    Clicking the Generate Hierarchy button launches a business service that creates new product inventory records for all products belonging to the same product hierarchy that the product you select belongs. For each product inventory record created, corresponding records in the Inventory Level list applet are also created for On-Hand Goods inventory.

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide