Siebel Sales Handheld Guide > Print Tagging Language > Overview of Siebel Handheld Print Tagging Language >



Prints the string stored in STRING or VARIABLE NAME at the specified location on the current line.


Use the Cell tag to create cells of data in a row in a table. Use it with the EndOfLine tag. If the data exceeds the width of the cell specified by Startat and Endat, it wraps to the next line.


<TAG:Cell Startat="START" Endat="END" Name="STRING" Variable="VARIABLE NAME" Align=ALIGNMENT"



(Required) Required tag indicator.


(Required) Specifies the starting point of the cell, expressed as a percentage of the printable page width. For example, if
START =10, then the cell starts at the point that is 10% from the left edge of the printable width.


(Required) Specifies the end point of the cell, expressed as a percentage of the printable page width. For example, if END=50, then the cell ends at the point that is 50% from the left edge of the printable width.


(Optional) String value. If Variable is not specified, then String is a required parameter.


(Optional) Name of variable where the value is stored. If String is not specified, then Variable is a required parameter.


(Optional) Specifies the alignment of the string.

Valid values are LEFT (default), CENTER, and RIGHT.


<TAG:Divider Weight="3" Startat="20" Endat="80">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="50" name="TOTAL:" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvv1total" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="50" name="TOTAL Defective:" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvvDefectiveTotal" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="50" name="TOTAL Good:" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvvGoodTotal" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="50" name="Defective Count:" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvvDefectiveCount" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="50" name="Good Count:" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvvGoodCount" Align="RIGHT">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvv3reg">
<TAG:Cell Startat="50" Endat="100" Variable="vvv5str">
<TAG:Cell Startat="0" Endat="30" Variable="vvv4date">
<TAG:Cell Startat="30" Endat="70" Variable="vvv4longdate">
<TAG:Cell Startat="70" Endat="100" Variable="vvv8time">

Siebel Sales Handheld Guide