Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Application File Reference > Files in the pg Directory >


This file, also called the Pageset UI Definition file, defines the HTML frameset layout of a pageset. Specifically, the Pageset UI Definition file defines the nested frames, showing display pages, that appear inside a single frame, called mainArea in the application templates, of the application.

In other words, this file defines the frameset inside which display pages for a pageset appear. Associate display pages with these frames inside the Pageset UI Registry file. For example, if the Pageset UI Registry file contains the definition:

(ISS.GetPagesetDisplayArea() + ".uidata");

the ol_ui (Application UI Definition) file must contain a frame called mainArea. The mainArea frame in turn must contain nested frames, including a frame called uidata into which exception messages load. The nested frames are defined inside the Pageset UI Definition file.

By default, Interactive Designer associates the default Pageset UI Definition file, oc_default_ui.htm, with all the pagesets in the Interactive Designer project. In this case, all display pages in your application appear inside the same frameset, regardless of which pageset they are part of.

If you want to change the frameset structure of the display page area based on which pageset the display pages belong to, you can create additional Pageset UI Definition files, *_ui.htm, that define unique framesets. Use the RegisterFrameSet function inside the Pageset UI Registry file to associate a Pageset UI Definition file with a particular pageset.

Use the SetContentsListFrame function inside a Pageset UI Definition file to identify which frame defined for the pageset displays the contents list. You can also use the RegisterContentsListFrame function inside the Application UI Definition file to display the Contents List as part of the main application layout, outside the display page area.

The Pageset UI Definition file must reference the header.js file from inside the <HEAD> tags, as in:

<HEAD><SCRIPT src="../jd/header.js"></SCRIPT></HEAD>

You must include a call to the SetLoaded function inside the onLoad event handler of the main frameset definition in the Pageset UI Definition file. Use the name of the Pageset UI Definition file without the extension, most likely oc_default_ui or pagesetID_ui, as the argument of the SetLoaded function.

Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference