Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildTarget >

Content Sources for Output Targets

The name argument for the BuildTarget function refers to one of the following:

  • A column in a Configuration table. In this case, the argument is simply the name of the column.

    If the output target control is populated with data from a column in a Configuration table, the name argument is the column name only. The structure of the reference is:


    For example, if an image output target is based on a Configuration table column called IMG, the syntax might be:


  • A column in a Feature table. In this case, the argument is the name of the Feature table and the name of the specific column inside of it, separated by a period.

    The reference structure is:


    For example, if a text output target is based on a DESC column in the Feature table called COLOR, the syntax might be:


  • The Feature table used to populate an input UI control from which the user has made a selection. In this case, the argument is simply the name of the Feature table.

    In this case, the data from the CODE column for that table is returned and displayed in the output target. The reference structure is:


    For example, if a text output target is based on a CODE column in the Feature table called PROCESSOR, the syntax might be:


  • The name of a text entry input UI control in which text is typed and stored. In this case, the argument is the name you used to define the text entry input UI control.

    For example, the following sample code might be used to create a text box UI control:


    The text that a user enters into the UI control is then saved as part of the selection set with the name reference PLATETEXT. The following sample code creates a text output target that displays this data:


Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference