Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildWidget >

List Box Input UI Controls

The name argument is the name of the Feature table that contains the data used to populate the list. The data in the DESC column of this table is always used to populate the list. Additionally, you must specify height, width, and prefill arguments for the input UI control.

The syntax used to create a list box input UI control is:




Defines the source of the content that populates the input UI control. For list box input UI controls, this is the name of a Feature table in the Interactive Designer project. Items in the list box will be filled in sequentially using the entries in the DESC column of this table.


For list box input UI controls, this argument is an integer that specifies the number of visible rows for the list box. Set this argument to 1 to create a drop-down list.


Integer that specifies the width of the list box, as defined by the number of characters visible in the default browser font.


Boolean value that sets the width of the list box control to accommodate the widest item in the list. If prefill is TRUE and width is greater than the number of characters in the longest line of text appearing in the list box, the list box appears with a width equivalent to width. If prefill is FALSE, the width is set to accommodate the longest line of text that appears in the list box.

  • In Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x browsers, selections in the list box appear in the standard system font. In Netscape 4.x, selections appear in the font in which text at that location would normally appear—either in the font specified for the entire document, or a font specified by an enclosing <FONT> tag set.
  • The DEFAULT column in the associated Feature table determines which item in the list box is selected when the pageset is initially loaded. If no row in the table contains the value DEFAULT, the item that corresponds to the first row in the table is selected.

The following sample code creates a list box that draws feature data from the Feature table COLORINT. Note that the actual caption text is created using a separate HTML entry.

Choose an interior color:




Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference