Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > BuildWidget >

Text Entry Input UI Controls

A text entry input UI control allows you to enter text in the application. This text is stored as a value in the selection set under the name specified as the name argument.

The syntax used to create a text entry input UI control is:




Name associated with the text box input UI control. Text entered in this input UI control is stored under this name.


Specifies the width of the text box. width is any positive integer. The value for width is approximately equal to the number of characters (in the default browser font) visible across the box at one time.

  • The name of a text entry input UI control:
    • Must be a unique name throughout the pageset
    • Can contain letters and numbers, but must begin with a letter
    • Can contain no spaces or punctuation except for an underscore
  • There are currently no restrictions on the number of characters that can be typed into a text entry field.
  • Do not enter the following text into a text entry field:
    • Unescaped double quotes
    • Any opening script tag such as <!-- or <SCRIPT>

The following sample code creates a text entry input UI control. The caption text is created using a separate HTML code. Text entered into this input UI control is saved under the name PLATETEXT.

Enter text for your custom license plate:


Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference