Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Pageset Functions > Start On Active >

Start on Active File Format Conventions

The contents of any Start on Active file specified in the config_file_path parameter of the URL query string should adhere to the following convention:

<SCRIPT src="jd/header.js"></SCRIPT>

NOTE:  Be sure to include the header.js file and verify that the path is correct relative to the location of your Start on Active file.

Call "ISS.SOAPassDynaObject()" in the file's BODY onLoad handler:

<BODY onLoad="ISS.SOAPassDynaObject()">

Specify all key/value pairs as hidden INPUT fields. If information not related to the Start on Active function is included in the form, it should precede the pagesetid key/value. Similarly, pagesetid should precede all dynamic default key/value pairs.

The following is an example of a Start on Active file:



<SCRIPT></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="jd/header.js"></SCRIPT>


<BODY onLoad="ISS.SOAPassDynaObject()">

<FORM name=configuration>

<INPUT type=hidden name=pagesetid value=soa2>

<INPUT type=hidden name=A value=3>

<INPUT type=hidden name=B value=2>

<INPUT type=hidden name=C value=1>




Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference