Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing > Creating a Marketing Plan >

Creating Plan Tactics and Associating Plan Tactics with Marketing Plans

A plan tactic is a marketing program, event plan, or stand-alone campaign that you have associated with a marketing plan. A marketing plan can be associated with any number of marketing programs, event plans, or stand-alone campaigns.

  • A marketing program is any program created in the Programs screen.
  • An event plan can be any event plan created in the Events screen.
  • A stand-alone campaign can be any campaign created in the Campaigns screen that is not associated with a marketing program.

You can create new tactics while developing your marketing plan or associate existing tactics with the marketing plan.

To create a new plan tactic and associate it with a marketing plan

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans screen.
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, query for the appropriate marketing plan.
  3. Drill down on the marketing plan name.
  4. Click the Plan Tactics view tab.
  5. In the Plan Tactics list, create a new tactic.
  6. (Required) In the new record, complete the Tactic Name and Type fields.

    CAUTION:  Be sure to select the correct Tactic Type (Program, Standalone Campaign, or Event Plan) before saving the record, because the type cannot be changed after the record is saved.

To associate an existing plan tactic with a marketing plan

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans screen.
  2. In the Marketing Plans list, query for the appropriate marketing plan.
  3. Click the Plan Tactics view tab.
  4. Drill down on the marketing plan name.
  5. In the Plan Tactics list, click Add to associate an existing tactic to a marketing plan.

    You can modify all the fields in this record except Type.

  6. In the Pick Tactic dialog box, query for the program, event, or stand-alone campaign that you want to associate with the plan, and click OK.

    NOTE:  Each tactic can only be associated with one marketing plan.

Siebel Marketing User Guide